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25 Best Font Combinations for Elementor Websites [2024]

Updated on: June 27, 2024

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Best font combinations for Elementor title image

Feeling stressed over which fonts to choose for your Elementor website? 

Selecting the perfect font combination for your site can feel like an overwhelming task, so let’s simplify the process!

The Elementor plugin uses the Google font library, which includes over 800 fonts. You could spend weeks going through all your options!

To simplify your decision-making process, I’ve curated a collection of my top 25 font pairings, categorized into five style groups: minimalist, modern, classic, luxury, and creative.

All the fonts featured in this post are available for free through the Elementor plugin. 

Check out the FAQ section at the end of the post for answers to common questions about Elementor Fonts.

Learn how to plan your website from start to finish svg of arrow pointing right

Why is it Important to choose the right font combination? 

The purpose of a website is to communicate your message to visitors and get them to take action. For example, you may want to increase sales, generate leads, book services, have them read your blog, etc. To communicate effectively, you need to have the right fonts in place. 

Good typography will keep visitors on your website. Bad typography will make them leave out of frustration or confusion.

Your fonts should enhance the readability, visual appeal, and user experience of your website. These combinations contribute to creating a cohesive and harmonious look that reflects your brand. 

How to choose the best font combinations for your website

So how do you decide the best font pairing for your website?

1. Determine your brand identity.

Is your brand professional and serious? Fun and quirky? Bold and adventurous?

Classic or modern fonts are perfect for professional brands, whereas minimalist or luxury fonts are great for luxury brands.

If you aren’t sure where to get started with your brand, read this article from Adobe about building a brand.

2. Make sure the fonts are readable and legible.

Readability: Your users should be able to easily read words, phrases, and paragraph blocks on your site. 

Legibility: Users should be able to easily distinguish between letters in your fonts. For example, look at Ll1 – users should be able to easily distinguish between these characters.

Read more about readability and accessibility here.

3. Maintain font consistency throughout your website.

Consistent typography makes it easier for visitors to focus on your content without being overwhelmed by visual clutter.

You should use no more than 2-3 fonts to maintain visual consistency throughout your website and create a coherent user experience. By doing this, your visitors are more likely to perceive your brand as organized and trustworthy.

Additionally, limiting the fonts you use allows you to establish a clear visual hierarchy. You can designate specific fonts for headlines, subheadings, and body text, making it easier for users to understand the structure and importance of different elements on the page.

Now, let’s explore my curated list of 25 Font Combinations for Elementor, categorized by style.

25 Best Font Combinations for Elementor

Minimalist Font Combinations

Minimalist fonts are designed with clean lines and convey a sense of simplicity and clarity. These fonts contribute to a modern and streamlined visual experience.

1. Barlow Condensed + Montserrat

Font combinations demo of Barlow Condensed font as heading and Montserrat as body text.

2. Montserrat + Lato

Font combinations demo of Montserrat font as heading and Lato as body text.

3. Nunito + Open Sans

Font combinations demo of Nunito font as heading and Open Sans as body text.

4. Oxygen + Source Sans Pro

Font combinations demo of Oxygen font as heading and Source Sans Pro as body text.

5. Raleway + Open Sans

Font combinations demo of Raleway font as heading and Open Sans as body text.

Modern Font Combinations

Modern fonts reflect contemporary, forward-thinking design trends. They typically feature clean lines, geometric shapes, and a sense of sophistication. 

6. Crimson Text + Work Sans

Font combinations demo of Crimson Text font as heading and Work Sans as body text.

7. Roboto + Nunito

Font combinations demo of Roboto font as heading and Nunito as body text.

8. Montserrat + Cardo

Font combinations demo of Montserrat font as heading and Cardo as body text.

9. Abril Fatface + Roboto

Font combinations demo of Abril Fatface font as heading and Roboto as body text.

10. Archivo Black + Judson

Font combinations demo of Archivo Black font as heading and Judson as body text.

Classic Font Combinations

Classic fonts use traditional design elements that have stood the test of time. They often feature serifs and balanced proportions. 

11. Playfair Display + Source Sans Pro

Font combinations demo of Playfair Display font as heading and Source Sans Pro as body text.

12. Lustria + Lato

Font combinations demo of Lustria font as heading and Lato as body text.

13. Cormorant Garamond + Proza Libre

Font combinations demo of Cormorant Garamond font as heading and Proza Libre as body text.

14. Libre Baskerville + Source Sans Pro

Font combinations demo of Libre Baskerville font as heading and Source Sans Pro as body text.

15. Merriweather + Quicksand

Font combinations demo of Merriweather font as heading and Quicksand as body text.

Luxury Font Combinations

Luxury fonts represent elegance, sophistication, and a sense of exclusivity. They often feature intricate details, high-quality craftsmanship, and a refined aesthetic. 

16. Italiana + Roboto

Font combinations demo of Italiana font as heading and Roboto as body text.

17. Yeseva One + Montserrat

Font combinations demo of Yeseva One font as heading and Montserrat as body text.

18. Della Respira + Raleway

Font combination demo of Della Respira font as heading and Raleway as body text.

19. Prata + Lato

Demo of Prata font as heading and Lato as body text.

20. Antic Didone + Open Sans

Demo of Antic Didone font as heading and Open Sans as body text.

Creative Font Combinations

Creative fonts push the boundaries of traditional typography, incorporating unique and expressive design elements. 

21. Lobster + Roboto

Demo of Lobster font as heading and Roboto as body text.

22. Karla + Inconsolata

Demo of Karla font as heading and Inconsolata as body text.

23. Ultra + Slabo

Demo of Ultra font as heading and Slabo as body text.

24. Nixie One + Ledger

Demo of Nixie One font as heading and Ledger as body text.

25. Philosopher + Mulish

Demo of Philosopher font as heading and Mulish as body text.

Final Thoughts

I hope the font combinations above help take some of the stress out of your Elementor project. Let me know in the comments if you used any of these pairings for your website. I’d love to see your work!


What are the fonts I can use in Elementor?

Elementor uses the Google Font Library consisting of over 800 fonts. The library is updated regularly. You can check the list of fonts available in Elementor here.

How do I add fonts to Elementor?

If you want to add a custom font to your Elementor website, navigate to the Elementor menu in your WordPress dashboard. Go to Elementor > Custom Fonts and click ‘Add New’. Upload your custom font files in WOFF, WOFF2, TTF, SVG or EOT format.

How do I change the font in Elementor?

Change the font in any Elementor widget using the Typography setting in the Content or Style tab. You can change the font family, size, weight, letter spacing, line spacing, and more.

What are global fonts in Elementor?

In Elementor, Global Fonts allows you to manage and maintain font consistency across your website. You can make changes to font attributes, like family, size, and style and the changes will take effect on any page that contains global fonts.

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